Sabtu, 04 Februari 2012

One Step Closer to the next Level of My Life

Welcome February...

Thank to God, today we still can feel the pleasure of His greatest in the universe that is Life. Talking about life, two months ahead gonna be the most important and serious moment in my life. In this month I'll finish my thesis and the next month I'll go for final session of my thesis. Wow! Can't wait but lil' bit nervous too. I can say the word that finally, after 5 years in a college I can feel the sense of freedom really is. Even so, I shouldn't be complacent and must take more responsibility and more purposeful for my life. Starts from now, I have to be more wise and mature. 

About my love life story...

Enough to play, enough to flirt. Just seek the serious one. That's my tag. I was tired of being cheated by someone I love. So, it is fine for me being single for a long time, but in the end, I could find someone who really love, care, can accept me as I am and makes me happy in this life. I'm sure that God plan are better than my dreams, or maybe He was too busy to find me a true life partner, haha.

2 komentar:

  1. wuwuwuwuwuwwu cieee yang udah mau beres. semoga lancar terooosh ya bang!!

    anyway, link blog lo udah gua pasang. pasang link blog gue juga dong! haha thank youu

  2. Iyaa makasih dek
    kmrn lg weekend-an di bdg jd blm smpt liat2 blog
    but I have story there, I'll publish it soon (ړײ)
